Consumer Dashboard: Shift Exchanges 

This module will provide you with comprehensive instructions on how to make the most of the Consumer Dashboard and its Shift Exchanges feature. In this module, we will cover the following key topics: 

  • Activating the Consumer Dashboard: Discover how to activate the Consumer Dashboard.
  • Accessing the Consumer Dashboard: Explore methods for accessing the Consumer Dashboard, either directly from the ‘About’ section of the Teamup UI or by entering a specific URL.
  • Sending and Receiving a Shift Exchange Request: Learn how to initiate and respond to shift exchange requests effectively.
  • Accepting a Shift Request as a Consumer: Familiarize yourself with the steps to accept a shift exchange request, ensuring a seamless transition of responsibilities. 
  • Manager Approval of a Shift Exchange Request: For managers to understand how to approve a shift exchange request and maintain optimal staffing levels.

The Consumer Dashboard is specifically designed and applicable for managing shift exchanges related to special events.

Activating the Consumer Dashboard

To activate the Consumer Dashboard and access its valuable features, consequently, follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Step 1: To begin, log in to your Client Manager Team2Book account using your credentials.
  1. Step 2: Upon logging in, subsequently, you will arrive at the Team2Book homepage.
Team2Book Members Area
  1. Step 3: To navigate to the Members Area, first, select it from the available options on the homepage.
  1. Step 4: Within the Client Dashboard menu on the left side, locate the “Client Details” option. 
Team2Book Client details
  1. Step 5: To activate the Consumer Dashboard, first, move the arrow upward to select “Enable Consumer Dashboard” and then click “Yes” from the radio button options.
how to enable Team2Book Consumers Dashboard

After completing these steps, click ‘save,’ and as a result, you will successfully activate the Consumer Dashboard.

save button

Accessing the Consumer Dashboard

To access the Consumer Dashboard and unlock its functionality, you have three convenient options: Option 

1: Direct URL Access 

  1. Open your web browser. 
  2. In the URL section, simply type the following address:
  1. This direct link will immediately take you to the Consumer Dashboard, providing swift and hassle-free access. 
Team2Book Consumer Dashboard Login
  1. Once there, you’ll be prompted to enter your activation key, which is the calendar link that was sent to you when you were added as a consumer. 

Obtaining your access key for the Consumer Dashboard is a straightforward process.

  • Firstly, open your email inbox.
  • Next, look for the welcome message from Team2Book.
  • Within this message, you will find a calendar link.
  • Lastly, copy this calendar link, and now, simply paste the calendar link into the access key field provided in the Consumer Dashboard.
Team2book welcome email

Or you can get it from the consumer edit page.

Teamup Calendar access link

Option 2: Through the Teamup UI 

  1. Access Teamup by clicking on your calendar access link.  This link can be found in your welcome notification or in the enter availability notification. 
  2. In the ‘About’ section of the Teamup UI, you will find the “Consumer Dashboard.” 
Teamup about section
  1. Click on “Consumer Dashboard.” Now, enter your Teamup access key or the calendar link provided to you.
Team2Book consumer login screen

Option 3: Through the link included in the Shift Exchange notification 

  1. If you receive a shift exchange notification, a link will be provided.  Click on that link.
Shift Exchanges request notification
  1. Depending on the web browser you use, clicking on this link will either bring you directly to the shift exchange tab on the consumer dashboard or it will bring you to the consumer login page where you will need to enter your Teamup calendar access key first.

Consumer Dashboard attributes

Currently, the Consumer Dashboard consists of two primary tabs: 

Tab 1: Consumer Details 

This tab offers specific details about the consumer, including: 

  • Name and Role: First, you have the consumer’s name and their designated role within the organization.
  • Calendar Type: Next, you’ll find information pertaining to the type of calendar being utilized.
  • Special Event Information: Relevant details regarding special events. 

Please note that the detailed information within this attribute is currently not editable. It is provided for readability and view access only.

Team2Book Consumer Dashboard

Tab 2: Shift Exchanges 

This is the main tab within the Consumer Dashboard, and it is divided into two main sections: 

Request a Shift Exchange: 

  • “From” Table Section: Within the “From” Table Section, you will find the special event schedules of the specific consumer who wishes to request a shift exchange or the consumer who is currently accessing the Consumer Dashboard.
  • “To” Table Section: In contrast, the “To” Table Section displays all other consumer special event schedules, making it easy to identify potential shift exchange partners. 
Shift Exchanges section of the Team2Book consumer dashboard

Shift Exchanges List: 

This sub-attribute houses the comprehensive list of both sent and received shift exchange requests. Within this section, consumers have the ability to: 

  • Approve Received Shift Exchange Requests: Consumers can approve shift exchange requests they have received, facilitating the seamless transition of responsibilities. 
  • Monitor Approval Status: Furthermore, they can monitor the approval status of received shift exchange requests from client managers, ensuring clear communication and coordination.
Shift exchanges received list

How to send a shift exchange request

To initiate a shift exchange request through the Consumer Dashboard, follow these straightforward steps: 

  1. Step 1: Log in to your Consumer Dashboard using one of the access methods previously discussed. 
  2. Step 2: Within the Consumer Dashboard, locate and click on the “Shift Exchange” tab. 
  3. Step 3: In the “From” table section, identify and select the shift that you wish to exchange. Click on the shift until it becomes marked in green. 
  4. Step 4: Navigate to the “To” table section, which contains a list of all consumer schedules. Here, select the shift you prefer to exchange with. 
  5. Step 5: Click on the shift you prefer in the “To” table section. 
  6. Step 6: After making your selections, click the “Submit” button to send your shift exchange request. 

For example, let’s say E. Tamiru wants to request a shift exchange. He desires to exchange his September 15, 2023, Emergency shift for an October 3, 2023, shift. In this case: 

  • E. Tamiru would go to the “From” table section and select the September 15, 2023, Emergency shift. 
  • In the “To” table section, he would look for a partner with a special event he can exchange with. For instance, he finds M. Mesele is available on October 3, 2023. 
  • E. Tamiru selects M. Mesele as his exchange partner. 
  • After confirming his selections, E. Tamiru clicks “Submit.” 
Request Shift Exchanges

Once the shift exchange request is submitted, it will be sent to both M. Mesele.  The client managers will receive email notifications when M. Melese accepts the shift exchange request, ensuring effective communication and coordination.

Within the Consumer Dashboard, furthermore, the “Shift Exchanges List” feature allows consumers to conveniently monitor the status of their sent shift exchange requests. Now, let’s walk through how this works:

Begin with Step 1 by accessing the Consumer Dashboard, as we discussed earlier.

Move on to Step 2, where you should locate the “Shift Exchanges List” section.

  • In this example, we have E. Tamiru, who has sent a shift exchange request. Subsequently, you will find E. Tamiru’s request is under the “Sent” list. Currently, the approval status of this request is pending, awaiting responses from both M. Mesele and the client manager.
Shift Exchages List

For Step 3, let’s delve into the Notification Process:

  • If the consumer (in this example, M. Mesele) is willing and able to exchange the shift, they have the option to approve the request. Once approved, the consumer (M. Mesele) can proceed with the exchange. 
  • When the consumer (M. Mesele) approves the shift exchange request, the client manager will receive a notification regarding this approval. 
  • It’s important to note that the shift exchange request is applicable only when the client manager approves the request. The manager’s approval ensures that the shift exchange aligns with organizational requirements and staffing needs. 

This two-step approval process, involving both the consumer and the client manager, helps maintain clarity and accountability in the shift exchange process, ensuring that shifts are exchanged only when approved by the appropriate parties.

How a consumer can accept the shift request

Accepting a shift exchange request is a straightforward process within the Consumer Dashboard. 

Here’s how you can do it: 

  1. Step 1: Begin by accessing your Consumer Dashboard using one of the methods we provided earlier. Alternatively, if you’ve received an email notification about a shift exchange request, you can simply click the link provided in the email, which will direct you to your Consumer Dashboard. 
Shift Exchanges request notification
  1. Step 2: Within the Consumer Dashboard, locate and click on the “Shift Exchange” tab. Subsequently, 
  1. Step 3: Navigate to the “Shift Exchanges List” section and click the “Received” tab. Here, you’ll find the shift exchange requests that have been sent to you.
  1. Step 4: To accept a received shift exchange request, simply, and consequently, click the green “right” checkmark button associated with the request. This action signifies your approval and willingness to proceed with the shift exchange.
Approving Shift Exchanges


  1. Step 5: If, for any reason, you wish to decline the shift exchange request, you can do so by clicking the red “x” button. This indicates that you are not interested in the proposed shift exchange. 
  2. Step 6: After your approval, subsequently, the client manager will be notified of your response, and the request will proceed for their approval.

This systematic process not only ensures but also facilitates clear, seamless communication and coordination when accepting or declining shift exchange requests. Consequently, this approach significantly contributes to the overall effectiveness of scheduling and adeptly manages shifts.

How the manager can approve a shift exchange request.

As a client manager in our scheduling system, not only do you play a pivotal role in overseeing but, more importantly, in approving shift exchange requests initiated by consumers.

You will get notified if a shift exchange is pending your approval. 

Shift Exchanges Request Notification sent to Managers

Now, here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can approve these requests:

Using Your Client Manager Credentials 

  1. To begin, log in to your Client Manager account using your designated credentials.
  2. After successfully logging in, you can easily and conveniently navigate to the designated “Members Area” section.
  3. Furthermore, within the Client Dashboard, select the “Advanced” tab.
  4. Subsequently, proceed to the “Shift Exchange” section, which displays all pending shift exchange requests.
  5. Choose the specific shift exchange request that you wish to approve. 
Shift Exchanges section of tthe Manager's Dashboard
  1. Click the green “right” button associated with the request to approve it. 
Manager Approval Status of Shift Exchanges
  1. If, for any reason, you need to decline the shift exchange request, you can do so by clicking the red “x” button. This indicates that you do not wish to approve the exchange. 

By diligently adhering to this systematic approach, not only can you effectively and promptly approve or decline shift exchange requests, but you can also ensure that the scheduling process seamlessly aligns with your organization’s specific needs and stringent requirements.

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